Team A's First Brainstorming

Basic Info

Date: Apr 13, 2024


Agenda of the meeting

We plan to cover the group setup stuff and come up with a basic idea about the group project by brainstorming.

Progress and Outcome

Unfinied businesses from last meeting

Group rules,
leader election.

New businesses added

Pick up a theme for the product,
define the intended customers.

Overall takeaway

Group rules

no eating and sleeping in meetings; everyone should at least work 2 hours a day for the project; check group mate's emails every 5 hours.

Group Icon

The group icon we selected is the following: a picture of a black cat

Video Recording

Check the following video from the meeting:

Audio Recording

Check the following video from the meeting:

Listen to the meeting audio:




Josef Lee asks about the code style.

Details It's important to keep a uniform code style.


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